
TOEIC 960点レベルの翻訳精度。国内クラウド機械翻訳で初のISO27017認証取得。政府機関の多言語自動翻訳システムセキュリティや経産省のガイドライン、総務省の多言語翻訳の要件にも準拠。AI翻訳の最先端サービスを提供。


What is Mirai Translator?

Mirai Translator is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including language translation, document analysis, and image understanding.

Features of Mirai Translator

High-Security AI Translation Engine

Mirai Translator offers a high-security AI translation engine that achieves TOEIC 960-point level translation accuracy, equivalent to a business person's level.

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) Engine

The platform is equipped with a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) engine, which enables high-precision translation of business communications, economic news, and other specialized fields.

Field-Specific Models

Mirai Translator also offers field-specific models, including a "Legal-Financial Model" for translating legal and financial documents, and a "Patent Model" for translating patent-related documents.


The platform allows for customization to meet specific needs, including model learning and dictionary application.

How to Use Mirai Translator

Mirai Translator provides a user-friendly interface for easy translation. Simply input the text or document to be translated, and the platform will generate a high-precision translation.

Pricing of Mirai Translator

Mirai Translator offers various pricing plans, including a free trial, to cater to different business needs.

Helpful Tips for Using Mirai Translator

Utilize the Daily Free Uses

Make the most of the daily free uses of Mirai Translator to support your business operations.

Leverage the High-Security AI Translation Engine

Take advantage of the high-security AI translation engine to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your business communications.

Customize the Platform to Meet Your Needs

Customize the platform to meet your specific business needs, including model learning and dictionary application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Mirai Translator Secure?

Yes, Mirai Translator is a highly secure platform that has obtained ISO27001 and ISO27017 certifications, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your business communications.

Can I Customize the Platform?

Yes, Mirai Translator allows for customization to meet specific needs, including model learning and dictionary application.

How Accurate is Mirai Translator?

Mirai Translator achieves TOEIC 960-point level translation accuracy, equivalent to a business person's level.

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